En Procedimientos

Ocaña, Manuel

Personal Information

Position: Associate Professor Ocaña, Manuel
Research areas:
Location: Office O-234. Polytechnic School UAH

Manuel Ocaña Miguel was born in Madrid, Spain, in January 1977. At present, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics of the University of Alcalá. He received the Tech. Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2000 from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2002 (with Best Student Award) and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering (with PhD UAH Award) in 2005 from the University of Alcalá (UAH), Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
e worked in the Air Navigation Aids Laboratory in the Spanish Air Force from 1996 up to 2002. He is Researcher in the RobeSafe Research Group of the UAH. His research interests include localization and navigation in Robotics, eSafety and Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is lecturing for Mobile Robotics, an MSc course in Electronics and Intelligent Systems.
He is the author of more than 110 refereed papers in journals and international conferences, and corresponding author of 3 national patents. He has been recipient of the 3M Innovation Awards in the category of eSafety in 2003 and 2004 and in the category of Industry in 2004. Also, in 2007 he was Research Visitor at the European Centre for Soft Computing, and in 2011 he was Research Visitor at the Institute of Perception Action and Behaviour (IPAB) of the University of Edinburgh.




  • J. Araluce, L. M. Bergasa, M. Ocaña, Á. Llamazares and E. López-Guillén. "Leveraging Driver Attention for an End-to-End Explainable Decision-Making From Frontal Images", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2024, pp. 1-12. [More] 
  • M. B. Rasheed, Á. Llamazares, M. Ocaña and P. Revenga. "A game-theoretic approach to mitigate charging anxiety for electric vehicle users through multi-parameter dynamic pricing and real-time traffic flow", Energy, Vol. 304. 2024, pp. 132103. [More] 
  • C. Gómez-Huélamo, M. V. Conde, R. Barea, M. Ocaña and L. M. Bergasa. "Efficient Baselines for Motion Prediction in Autonomous Driving", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023, pp. 1-0. [More] 
  • M. Sarabia and M. Ocaña. "Best Practices in Energy and Climate Change in the University of Alcalá", Journal of Sustainability Perspectives. 2023. [More] 
  • P. J. Vidal-Moreno et al. "Cancellation of reference update-induced 1/f noise in a chirped-pulse DAS", Opt. Lett., Vol. 47, Jul, 2022, pp. 3588-3591. [More] 
  • P. J. Vidal-Moreno et al.. "Towards ultra-stable DAS measurements". 27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors. 2022. pp. Th4.26. [More] 
  • J. Araluce, L. M. Bergasa, M. Ocaña, E. López-Guillén, R. Gutiérrez-Moreno and J. F. Arango. "Driver Take-Over Behaviour Study Based on Gaze Focalization and Vehicle Data in CARLA Simulator", Sensors, Vol. 22. 2022. [More] 
  • I. Valiente-Blanco et al. "Efficiency Improvement of Photovoltaic Solar Modules by Cooling Using an Underground Heat Exchanger", Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. 144, 09, 2022, pp. 061015. [More] 
  • M. Ocaña et al.. "Estimation of Customer Activity Patterns in Open Malls by Means of Combining Localization and Process Mining Techniques". Advances in Physical Agents II. Bergasa, L. M. and Ocaña, M. Barea, R. López-Guillén, E. Revenga and Pedro eds. 2021. pp. 30-43. [More] 
  • M. Ocaña et al. "Automatic linguistic reporting of customer activity patterns in open malls", Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2021. [More] 
  • J. Araluce et al. "Gaze Focalization System for Driving Applications Using OpenFace 2.0 Toolkit with NARMAX Algorithm in Accidental Scenarios", Sensors, Vol. 21. 2021. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and V. Ivan. "Improved Dynamic Obstacle Mapping (iDOMap)", Sensors, Vol. 20, Sep, 2020, pp. 1-28. [More] 
  • C. Gómez-Huélamo et al.. "Real-Time Bird’s Eye View Multi-Object Tracking system based on Fast Encoders for Object Detection". 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). 2020. pp. 1-6. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos and M. Ocaña. "Detection and Tracking of Moving Obstacles (DATMO): A Review", Robotica, Vol. 38. 2019, pp. 761-774. [More] 
  • E. Molinos, Á. Llamazares and M. Ocaña. "Dynamic window based approaches for avoiding obstacles in moving", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 118. 2019, pp. 112 - 130. [More] 
  • R. Barea et al.. "Vehicle Detection and Localization using 3D LIDAR Point Cloud and Image Semantic Segmentation". 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). 2018. pp. 3481-3486. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, J. M. Alonso and M. Ocaña. "Fuzzy classifier ensembles for hierarchical WiFi-based semantic indoor localization", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 90. 2017, pp. 394 - 404. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, M. Ocaña, J. M. Alonso and E. Kim. "Continuous Space Estimation: Increasing WiFi-Based Indoor Localization Resolution without Increasing the Site-Survey Effort", Sensors, Vol. 17. 2017. [More] 
  • F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and M. Á. Sotelo. "WiFi SLAM algorithms: an experimental comparison", Robotica, Vol. 34, april, 2016, pp. 837-858. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, J. M. Alonso and M. Ocaña. "Hierarchical approach to enhancing topology-based WiFi indoor localization in large environments", Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Vol. 3, March, 2016, pp. 221-241. [More] 
  • M. Lama et al.. "Análisis inteligente de flujos de trabajo sociales". Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (CEDI-JCIS2016). 2016. [More] 
  • R. Pintor, Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos and M. Ocaña. "Mejora de la odometría de un robot móvil aplicando medidas inerciales". Seminario Anual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación 2016, SAAEI16. 2016. [More] 
  • F. M. Mato, E. Molinos, Á. Llamazares, M. Ocaña and V. M. Montero. "Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for a Convoy of Three Pioneer Robots". Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference. Advances in Robotics. Springer ed. 2015. pp. 217-230. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, M. Ocaña, J. M. Alonso and E. Kim. "WiFi-based Indoor Localization Using a Continuous Space Estimator From Topological Information". International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2015). 2015. pp. 148899-1-148899-4. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and F. Herranz. "Integrating ABSYNTHE autonomous navigation system into ROS". In Proc. of the ICRA 2014 workshop. I. -. RAS ed. 2014. pp. 153-158. [More] 
  • M. Ocaña et al.. "Development of a Navigation System for a Robotic Shop Guide". XV Workshop of Physical Agents. U. de León ed. 2014. pp. 169-177. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, M. Ocaña, J. M. Alonso and E. Kim. "WiFi-based indoor localization and tracking of a moving device". IEEE Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS 2014). 2014. pp. 281-289. [More] 
  • F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos and M. Ocaña. "A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms with Range Only Sensors". The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014). IEEE ed. 2014. pp. 4606-4611. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, M. Ocaña, S. Humanes, P. Revenga, D. P. Pancho and L. Magdalena. "A WiFi-based Software for Indoor Localization". Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2014. 2014. pp. 2345-2351. [More] 
  • E. Molinos et al.. "Perception and Navigation in Unknown Environments: The DARPA Robotics Challenge". ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference. M. A. Armada, A. Sanfeliu and M. Ferre eds. 2013. pp. 321-329. [More] 
  • E. Garcia et al.. "Competing in the DARPA Virtual Robotics Challenge as the SARBOT Team". ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference. M. A. Armada, A. Sanfeliu and M. Ferre eds. 2013. pp. 381-396. [More] 
  • S. Humanes, P. Revenga, M. Ocaña and J. M. Alonso. "Interfaz Hombre-Máquina del Proyecto Absynthe". 11º workshop RoboCity2030 "Robots Sociales". 2013. pp. 59-69. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, V. Ivan, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña and S. Vijayakumar. "Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Using Bayesian Occupancy Filter and Approximate Inference", Sensors, Vol. 13, Mar, 2013, pp. 2929-2944. [More] 
  • J. M. Alonso, N. Hernández and M. Ocaña. "Wifigrams: Social Network Analysis for Supporting the Design of Hierarchical Wi-Fi Indoor Location Systems". Fourteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2013). U. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ed. 2013. pp. 28-31. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, J. M. Alonso and M. Ocaña. "Parameter Evaluation in a Hierarchical WiFi Localization System". Fourteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2013). U. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ed. 2013. pp. 32-35. [More] 
  • E. Molinos, J. Pozuelo, Á. Llamazares, M. Ocaña and J. López. "Comparison of Local Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms". Fourteenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2013). 2013. pp. 40-43. [More] 
  • J. M. Alonso, N. Hernández and M. Ocaña. "Wifigrams: Design of Hierarchical Wi-Fi Indoor Localization Systems Guided by Social Network Analysis", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8112. 2013, pp. 9-16. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, J. M. Alonso, M. Ocaña and M. K. Marina. "Impact of Signal Representations on the Performance of Hierarchical WiFi Localization Systems", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8112. 2013, pp. 17-24. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, V. Ivan, M. Ocaña and S. Vijayakumar. "Dynamic obstacle avoidance minimizing energy consumption". Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshops. 2012. pp. 6. [More] 
  • F. Herranz, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández, Á. Llamazares and C. Fernández. "Mapping Based on a Noisy Range-Only Sensor", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928. 2012, pp. 420-425. [More] 
  • N. Hernández, J. M. Alonso, M. Magro and M. Ocaña. "Hierarchical WiFi localization system". International Workshop on Perception in Robotics, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. 2012. pp. P21.1-P21.6. [More] 
  • M. Á. Garrido, M. Ocaña, D. F. Llorca, E. Arroyo, J. Pozuelo and M. Gavilán. "Complete Vision-Based Traffic Sign Recognition Supported by an I2V Communication System", Sensors, Vol. 12. 2012, pp. 1148-1169. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández and F. Herranz. "3D Map Building Using a 2D Laser Scanner", Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928. 2012, pp. 412-419. [More] 
  • J. M. Alonso, K. LeBlanc, M. Ocaña and E. Ruspini. "ABSYNTHE: Abstraction, Synthesis, and Integration of Information for Human-Robot Teams". International Workshop on Perception in Robotics, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. 2012. pp. P14.1-P14.6. [More] 
  • M. Á. Garrido, M. Ocaña, D. F. Llorca, M. Á. Sotelo, Á. Llamazares and E. Arroyo. "Robust Traffic Signs Detection by means of Vision and V2I Communications". 14th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2011). 2011. [More] 
  • N. Hernández et al.. "Assessment Of Distractions Inferred By In-Vehicle Information Systems On a Naturalistic Simulator". 14th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2011). 2011. pp. 1279-1284. [More] 
  • J. M. Alonso et al. "Enhanced WiFi localization system based on soft computing techniques to deal with small-scale variations in wireless sensors", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, July, 2011, pp. 4677-4691. [More] 
  • J. Almazán, R. Barea, L. M. Bergasa, E. López and M. Ocaña. "Localización y mapeado simultáneo mediante visión monocular aplicable a un sistema multi-robot". 9º Workshop RoboCity2030. Robots Colaborativos. Interación Humano-Robot. 2011. pp. 35-56. [More] 
  • J. Nuevo, L. M. Bergasa, D. F. Llorca and M. Ocaña. "Face tracking with automatic model construction", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 29, March, 2011, pp. 209-218. [More] 
  • F. Herranz et al.. "Mapping based on a noisy Range-Only sensor". 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2011). 2011. pp. 165-168. [More] 
  • Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández and F. Herranz. "3D Map Building using a 2D Laser Scanner". 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST 2011). 2011. pp. 161-164. [More] 
  • M. Gavilán et al. "Adaptive Road Crack Detection System by Pavement Classification", Sensors, Vol. 11. 2011, pp. 9628-9657. [More] 




Escuela Politecnica

Universidad de Alcalá

Av. Jesuitas s/n.

Alcalá de Henares, 28871

Madrid, España

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