Face tracking with automatic model construction
- Nuevo, Jesús; Bergasa, Luis M.; Llorca, David F.; Ocaña, Manuel
- Year: 2011
- Type of Publication: Article
- Keywords: Face tracking; Appearance modeling; Incremental clustering; Robust fitting; Driver monitoring
- Journal: Image and Vision Computing
- Volume: 29
- Number: 4
- Pages: 209-218
- Month: March
- ISSN: 0262-8856
- DOI: 10.1016/j.imavis.2010.11.004
- Abstract:
- This paper describes an active model with a robust texture model built on-line. The model uses one camera and it is able to operate without active illumination. The texture model is defined by a series of clusters, which are built in a video sequence using previously encountered samples. This model is used to search for the corresponding element in the following frames. An on-line clustering method, named leaderP is described and evaluated on an application of face tracking. A 20-point shape model is used. This model is built offline, and a robust fitting function is used to restrict the position of the points. Our proposal is to serve as one of the stages in a driver monitoring system. To test it, a new set of sequences of drivers recorded outdoors and in a realistic simulator has been compiled. Experimental results for typical outdoor driving scenarios, with frequent head movement, turns and occlusions are presented. Our approach is tested and compared with the Simultaneous Modeling and Tracking (SMAT) [1], and the recently presented Stacked Trimmed Active Shape Model (STASM) [2], and shows better results than SMAT and similar fitting error levels to STASM, with much faster execution times and improved robustness.
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