Fernando Herranz's Website
Currently, I'm a Postdoctoral Researcher in the RobeSafe research group, at the Department of Electronics of the University of Alcalá (UAH), under the supervision of Dr. Manuel Ocaña. I obtained my PhD in 2013 from the University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain. My PhD thesis was about using Range-Only sensors such as WiFi and SLAM techniques for assisting collaboration between human-robot teams.
I have been working in the RobeSafe research group since 2008 collaborating in several ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) projects funded by international companies and the Spanish government.
My research interests include Robotics, Wireless Localization, Computer Vision and Intelligent Transportation Systems. I'm author of several refered papers in journals and international conferences.
In 2010 I did a three-month internship at the Embedded Software Group of the Delft University of Technology (Holland) under the supervision of Dr. Stefan Dulman, Dr. Kavitha Muthukrishnan and Dr. Koen Langendoen. In 2013 I did a three-month internship at the Field Robotics Center of the Carnegie Mellon University (USA), under the supervision of Dr. Benjamin P. Grocholsky and Dr. Sanjiv Singh.
Since 2009, I'm one of the co-founders of Vision Safety Technologies Ltd, a spin-off company established to commercialize computer vision systems for road infrastructure inspection.
My research topics mainly focus on problems related to Range-Only sensors (WiFi), Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), and clasiffication techniques for Intelligent Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation systems. The topic of my PhD thesis, was the design of a WiFi localization and mapping system that can help colaboration between human-robot teams
3D Representation
Indoor WiFi Incremental Smoothing And Mapping
WiFi Incremental Smoothing Localization
Indoor Localization Using WiFi and Particle Filtering
Road Infrastructure Inspections
Map Building (ROS + gmapping)
RobeSafe Group Presentation
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F. Herranz, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Range Only Sensors, 2013
Journal papers
F. Herranz, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández, Á. Llamazares, C. Fernández, Mapping Based on a Noisy Range-Only Sensor, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928 (2012) [pdf]
Á. Llamazares, E. Molinos, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, N. Hernández, F. Herranz, 3D Map Building Using a 2D Laser Scanner, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Vol. 6928 (2012) [pdf]
J. Alonso, M. Ocaña, N. Hernández, F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, M.A. Sotelo, L.M. Bergasa, L. Magdalena, Enhanced WiFi localization system based on soft computing techniques to deal with small-scale variations in wireless sensors, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 11, Issue 8 (2011) [pdf]
A. González, M. A. García-Garrido, D. F. Llorca, M. Gavilán, J. P. Fernández, P. F. Alcantarilla, I. Parra, F. Herranz, L. M. Bergasa, M. A. Sotelo, P. Revenga, Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System using Computer Vision, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 12, no. 2 (2011) [pdf]
Conference papers
F. Herranz, Á Llamazares, E. Molinos, M Ocaña, A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms with Range Only Sensors. IEEE ICRA 2014, Hong Kong, China (2014) [pdf]
F. Herranz, K. Muthukrishnan, K. Langendoen, Camera pose estimation using particle filters," International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Guimaraes, Portugal (2011) [pdf]
F. Herranz, M Ocaña, LM Bergasa, MA Sotelo, DF Llorca, N Hernández, Á Llamazares, C Fernández, Studying on WiFi range-only sensor and its application to localization and mapping systems. IEEE ICRA 2010 Workshops, Anchorage, USA (2010) [pdf]
A. Alvarez-Alvarez, J. M. Alonso, G. Trivino, N. Hernández, F. Herranz, Á. Llamazares, M. Ocaña, Human Activity Recognition applying Computational Intelligence techniques for fusing information related to WiFi positioning and body posture, WCCI2010 IEEE World Congreee on Copmputational Intelligence. Barcelona, Spain (2010) [pdf]
A. González, L.M. Bergasa, M. Gavilán, M.A. Sotelo, F. Herranz, C. Fernández, Automatic Information Extraction of Traffic Panels based on Computer Vision, IEEE on Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), St. Louis, MO, USA (2009) [pdf]
Fernando Herranz has collaborated in several national projects as well as industrial projects in the field of robotics and intelligent transportation systems.
National Projects
ROBO SHOP - ROBOtic guide for SHOP: navigation system development. 2013-2014. Financed by University of Alcalá.
ABSHYNTE - Abstracción, Síntesis e Integración de Información para equipos Humano-Robot. 2012-2014. Financed by the Research, Development and Innovation Minister (MICINN).
ROBOCITY2030-2 - Service robotics for improving Citizens quality of life (2nd part). 2010-2013. Financed by the Regional Government of Madrid. Spain.
PROPINA - Plataforma RObótica Para INvestigAción. 2012-2013. Financed by the Regional Government of Madrid.
VISETRAF - Sistema VIsual de localización y reconocimiento de SEñales de Tráfico en colaboración con equipos de RAdio Frecuencia. 2011. Financed by the Regional Government of Madrid and UAH.
SISLOPEWI - WiFi People localization system. 2009. Financed by the Regional Government of Madrid and UAH.
ROBOCITY2030 - Service robotics for improving Citizens quality of life. 2006-2009. Financed by the Regional Government of Madrid. Spain.
Industrial Projects
VISUALISE - V - VISUALISE - Development of semi-automatic detection tool (December 2010 - February 2011). Companies: Euroconsult, 3M-Spain, SafeControl.
VISUALISE - IV - VISUALISE - Development of semi-automatic detection tool (February 2009 - February 2010). Companies: Euroconsult, 3M-Spain, SafeControl.
VISUALISE - II - VISUALISE - Development of semi-automatic detection tool (February 2008 - February 2009). Companies: Euroconsult, 3M-Spain, SafeControl.
About Me
I love riding my bike in Madrid. Every last Thursday of the month I attend the bici crítica event. I really enjoy participating in any interesting project with friends.