Alcantarilla, Pablo F.

Personal Information

Position: Researcher Alcantarilla, Pablo F.
Research areas:
Location: Office O-34. Polytechnic School


  • P. F. Alcantarilla. "Vision Based Localization: From Humanoid Robots to Visually Impaired People". University of Alcalá. 2011. [More] 
  • J. J. Yebes, P. F. Alcantarilla and L. M. Bergasa. "Occupant Monitoring System for Traffic Control Based on Visual Categorization". Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2011 IEEE. 2011. pp. 212 -217. [More] 
  • Á. González et al. "Automatic Traffic Signs and Panels Inspection System Using Computer Vision", Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Vol. 12, june, 2011, pp. 485 -499. [More] 
  • P. F. Alcantarilla, K. Ni, L. M. Bergasa and F. Dellaert. "Visibility Learning in Large-Scale Urban Environment". The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011). 2011. pp. 6205-6212. [More] 
  • P. F. Alcantarilla et al. "Automatic LightBeam Controller for driver assistance", Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 22. 2011, pp. 819-835. [More]