ROBOtic guide for SHOP: navigation system development (ROBOSHOP)

Research areas:
Status: Finished
Type Project: Public_Local
Project leaders: Manuel Ocaña
Collaborators: Elena López; Pedro Revenga; Fernando Herranz; Noelia Hernández; Ángel Llamazares; Eduardo Molinos
Funded by: UAH
Funding: 3000.00 EUR
Proposed start date: 2013-12-02
Proposed end date: 2014-12-01

This project proposes the development of the navigation system for a robotic guide. This robot is employed to guide people inside shops, malls or even museums, showing the most relevant things of them. Although the design of robotic guide systems is a well known problem, the development in a real, dynamic and likely crowded environment is challenging. The project introduces the robotic platform that we propose and the software structure (developed under ROS) to carry out a safe navigation inside crowded and dynamic environments.