
Research areas:
Status: Finished
Type Project: Public_Local
Project leaders: Luis M. Bergasa
Proposed start date: 2020-01-01
Proposed end date: 0000-00-00

Implementing robust technologies for an electric automated car concept for aging drivers

UAH has been working on the SmartElderlyCar project (2016-2018), developing a first prototype car with some autonomous functions. Based on our previous results in this project, the main objective of the Techs4AgaCar proposal is to investigate techniques for a new concept of automatic electric car (AgeCar), capable of assisting senior drivers with different levels of automation, according to needs. drivers and taking into account safety and user acceptance as key development points.

Elderly population is increasing year after year in the developed countries, according to the OECD. In 2030, one out of every three Spanish drivers will be over 65 years old. Driving is key to the independence and mobility of our elders, but there is some concern about their skills deterioration as they get older. Vehicles automation can contribute to this goal incorporating Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Self-driving has recently become a hot topic among automaker companies and researchers. There are numerous different fully autonomous vehicle projects in various stages of development. However, autonomous vehicle technology is far from being ready to be deployed at full scale. Besides, there is little research in the development of systems designed for the elderly sector that analyze the human factors. Senior drivers do not demand full autonomous driving systems, what they want are systems that allow them to drive in a safe way. Conscious of this research niche, UAH has been working in the SmartElderlyCar project (2016-2018), developing a first prototype of car with some autonomous functions. Based on our previous results in this project, the main goal of Techs4AgaCar proposal is to research in techniques for an automatic electric car new concept (AgeCar), able to assist senior drivers with different automation levels, according to the drivers needs and taking into account users safety and acceptance as key development points. The proposal is disruptive both in the concept and in the new applied techniques. Our bet is for a personal electric vehicle, where automation acts as a guardian and not as a chauffeur, and that may be of interest not only for large car manufacturers, but also for Spanish emerging electric vehicles companies (Comarth, Little Cars, Irikar, etc.). The project aims contributions in different research fields. Regarding to perception systems and HMI, our proposal will focus, on the one hand, in the development of robust techniques to have a complete understanding of the car surrounding, applying concepts as prediction and uncertainty. On the other hand, we research in a vehicle-to-user (V2U) communication protocol to improve interpretability and safe control transfer between automation levels. Contributions in planning and control are aimed to develop a robust local navigation layer that will take into account uncertainty, develop an executive control layer able to make safe decisions for the different use cases, and to provide insights from the control architecture to the V2U interface, improving interpretability of the autonomous actions. Finally, Techs4AgeCar aims at paving the way for a good adoption of our AgeCar concept by advancing on validation protocols. In this way, a set of new Euro NCAP type scenarios for automated driving in presence of vulnerable users (VRUs) and other vehicles will be implemented performing a repetitive analysis using different senior drivers, with special focus on user-acceptance.  


Robesafe Group. Department of Electronics. University of Alcalá. Polytechnic School. Campus Universitario Ctra. de Madrid-Barcelona, Km. 33,600 28871 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) – Spain. (


Project funding by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Ref: RTI2018-099263-B-C21 (2019-2021)

Members and Collaborators

  • Luis M. Bergasa (Full Professor). Co-coordinator
  • Rafael Barea (Full Professor). Co-coordinator
  • Elena López (Associate Professor)
  • Pedro Revenga de Toro (Associate Professor)
  • Manuel Ocaña Miguel (Associate Professor)
  • Marisol Escudero (Lecturer)
  • Eduardo Romera (PosRoc Researcher)
  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo (PhD Researcher)
  • Juan Felipe Arango (PhD Researcher)
  • Rodrigo Gutiérrez (PhD Researcher)
  • Javier del Egido (Master Researcher)
  • Javier Araluce (Master Researcher)
  • Óscar Pérez (Master Researcher)
  • Alejandro Díaz (Master Researcher)
  • Jonathan Moncada (Lab Technician) 



2019 IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award for Robesafe Lab

Demo Techs4AgeCar Project - WAF Conference

Journals Papers


  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Javier Del Egido, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Miguel E. Ortíz-Humani, Miguel Antunes, “360º Real-Time and Power-efficient 3D DAMOT for Autonomous Driving applications”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications. Submitted on January 2021.
  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Javier Del Egido, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Felipe Arango, Javier Araluce, Joaquín López, “Train Here, Drive There: ROS based End-to-End Autonomous-Driving pipeline validation in CARLA simulator using the NHTSA typology”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications. Submitted on January 2021. 
  • Roberto Arroyo, Sergio Álvarez, Aitor Aller, Luis M. Bergasa, Miguel E. Ortiz, “Fine-tuning your answers: A bag of tricks for improving VQA models”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications. Submitted on January 2021.
  • Javier Araluce; Luis M. Bergasa; Manuel Ocaña; Elena López-Guillén; Pedro Revenga; Felipe Arango; Oscar Pérez, “Driver focalization using OpenFace0 toolkit with NARMAX in Accidental Scenarios”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications. Submitted on January 2021. 
  • Óscar Pérez-Gil; Rafael Barea; Elena López-Guillén; Luis M. Bergasa; Carlos Gómez-Huélamo; Rodrigo Gutiérrez; Alejandro Díaz-Díaz, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based control for Autonomous Vehicles in CARLA”, in Multimedia Tools and Applications. Submitted on January 2021.


  • Felipe Arango, Luis M. Bergasa, Pedro Revenga, Rafael Barea, Javier Araluce, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Elena López-Guillén, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, “Drive-by-Wire Development Process based on ROS for an Electric Autonomous Vehicle”, in Sensors. 20(21), nº6121, 1-31. October 2020. [PDF].
  • Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Elena López-Guillén, Óscar Pérez, Rafael Barea, Luis M. Bergasa, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Javier del Egido and Joaquín López-Fernández, “A Waypoint Tracking Controller for Autonomous Ground Vehicles using ROS Framework”, in Sensors. 20(14), nº4062, 1-22. July 2020. [PDF].


  • Kailun Yang, Xinxin Hu, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera and Kaiwei Wang, “PASS: Panoramic Annular Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. September 2019 (Early Access). [PDF].
  • Kailun Yang, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Kaiwei Wang, “Robustifying Semantic Perception of Traversability across Wearable RGB-Depth Cameras”, in Applied Optics. Vol 58, nº12, 3141-3155. April 2019. [PDF]. Editors’ Pick
  • Álvaro Sáez, Luis M. Bergasa, Elena López-Guillén, Eduardo Romera, Miguel Tradacete, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo and Javier del Egido, “Real-time Semantic Segmentation for Fisheye Urban Driving Images based on ERFNet”, in Sensors. Vol 19(3), nº503, 1-20. January 2019. [PDF]


  • Kailun Yang, Kaiwei Wang, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Weijian Hu, Dongming Sun, Junwei Sun, Ruiqi Cheng, Tianxue Chen, Elena López, “Unifying Terrain Awareness for the Visually Impaired through Real-time Semantic Segmentation”, in Sensors. Vol 18(5), nº1506, 1-32 (2018). [PDF]
  • Arroyo, P.F. Alcantarilla, L.M. Bergasa, E. Romera, “Are You ABLE to Perform a Life-Long Visual Topological Localization?”, Autonomous Robots, 42 (3), 665-685. March 2018. Online version July 2017. [PDF]
  • Qi Wang, Luis M. Bergasa, José M. Álvarez, “Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Robust and Efficient Vision Techniques for Intelligent Vehicles”, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol 19, Issue 1, 129-130, January 2018. [PDF]
  • Romera, J.M. Álvarez, L.M. Bergasa, R. Arroyo, “ERFNet: Efficient Residual Factorized ConvNet for Real-time Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol 19, Issue 1, 263-272, January 2018. Online version July 2017. [PDF]. Main publication in GSM (2015-2019).


  • Bronte, L.M. Bergasa, D. Pizarro, R. Barea, “Model-Based Real-time Non-Rigid Tracking”, in Sensors. Vol 17(10), nº2342, 1-28 (2017). [PDF]
  • López, S. García, R. Barea, L.M. Bergasa, E.J. Molinos, R. Arroyo, E. Romera, S. Pardo, “Multi-Sensorial SLAM System for Low-Cost Micro Aerial Vehicles in GPS-denied Environments”, Sensors. Vol 17, nº 802, 1-27 (2017). [PDF]


  • Arroyo, J. J. Yebes, L. M. Bergasa, I. G. Daza, J. Almazán “Expert Video-Surveillance System for Real-Time Detection of Suspicious Behaviors in Shopping Malls”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 42, nº 21, 7991-8005, (2015). [PDF]



  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Luis M. Bergasa, “SmartMOT: Exploiting the fusion of HD Maps and Multi-Object Tracking for Real-Time Motion Prediction in Self-Driving applications”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, September 2021. Submitted on March 2021.
  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Luis M. Bergasa, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Felipe Arango, Alejandro Díaz, “SmartMOT: Exploiting the fusion of HD Maps and Multi-Object Tracking for Real-Time Motion Prediction in Intelligent Vehicles applications”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya, Japan, July 2021. Submitted on February 2021.
  • Óscar Pérez-Gil, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Luis M. Bergasa, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Alejandro Díaz, “Deep Reinforcement Learning based control algorithms: Training and validation using the ROS Framework in CARLA Simulator for Self-Driving applications”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya, Japan, July Submitted on February 2021.
  • Javier Araluce, Luis M. Bergasa, Manuel Ocaña, Pedro Revenga, Elena López-Guillén, Felipe Arango, Óscar Pérez-Gil, “Autonomous/manual transition driver behaviour study in CARLA simulator using gaze focalization based on camera”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya, Japan, July Submitted on February 2021.
  • Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Felipe Arango, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Javier Araluce, “Validation Method of a Self-Driving Architecture for Unexpected Pedestrian Scenario in CARLA Simulator”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Nagoya, Japan, July Submitted on February 2021.


  • Oscar Pérez-Gil, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Luis M. Bergasa, Pedro Revenga, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Alejandro Díaz, “DQN-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving”, in Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF). Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November [PDF]
  • Javier Del Egido, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Javier Araluce, Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Moreno, Miguel Antunes, “360º Real-Time 3D Multi-Object Tracking validated in KITTI dataset and CARLA simulator”, in Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF). Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November [PDF].
  • Carlos Gómez-Huelamo, Javier Del Egido, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Felipe Arango, Javier Araluce, Joaquin Lopez, “Train Here, Drive There: Simulating real-world use cases with fully-autonomous driving architecture in CARLA simulator”, in Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF). Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November [PDF].
  • Javier Araluce, Luis M. Bergasa, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Felipe Arango, Oscar Pérez, “Integrating OpenFace0 Toolkit for Driver Attention Estimation in Challenging Accidental Scenarios”, in Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF). Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November 2020. [PDF].
  • Miguel E. Ortiz, Luis M. Bergasa, Roberto Arroyo, Sergio Álvarez, Aitor Aller, “Towards Fine-Tuning of VQA Models in Public Datasets”, in Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF). Alcalá de Henares, Spain, November [PDF].
  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Javier del Egido, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Manuel Ocaña, Felipe Arango, Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Moreno, “Real-Time Bird's Eye View Multi-Object Tracking system based on Fast Encoders for Object Detection”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Virtual Conference, September 2020. [PDF].
  • Javier del Egido, Óscar Pérez, Luis M. Bergasa, “Autonomous vehicle control in CARLA Challenge”, in CAMPUS FIT 2020 Conference (FIT), Virtual Conference, June 2020. [PDF].


  • Felipe Arango, Javier Araluce, Pedro Revenga, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Luis M. Bergasa, “Designing a Drive by Wire system for an Autonomous Electric Car”, in Robocity2030 Workshop on AI and Robotics, Madrid, Spain, December 2019. [PDF]. Best Poster at the WS.
  • Javier del Egido, Óscar Pérez, Elena López-Guillén, Rafael Barea, Rodrigo Gutiérrez, Luis M. Bergasa, “The Experience of Robesafe Team in CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge”, in Robocity2030 Workshop on AI and Robotics, Madrid, Spain, December 2019. [PDF].
  • Rafael Barea, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Elena López-Guillén, Oscar Pérez, Miguel Tradacete and Joaquín López, “Integrating well-known CNNs for Multi-Sensor 3D Vehicle Detection in Real Autonomous Driving Environments”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand, October 2019. [PDF].
  • Carlos Gómez-Huelamo, Luis M. Bergasa, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Sandra Carrasco, Pablo Sánchez, “Simulating use cases for the UAH Autonomous Electric Car”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand, October 2019. [PDF].
  • Luis M. Bergasa, Javier Araluce, Eduardo Romera, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Javier del Egido, Sandra Carrasco, “Naturalistic Driving Study for Older Drivers based on the DriveSafe App”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Auckland, New Zealand, October 2019. [PDF].
  • Eduardo Romera, Luis M. Bergasa, Kailun Yang, Jose M. Alvarez, Rafael Barea, “Bridging the Day and Night Domain Gap for Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Paris, France, June 2019. [PDF].
  • Yang, Xinxin Hu, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Xiao Huang, Dongming Sun and Kaiwei Wang, “Can we PASS beyond the Field of View? Panoramic Annular Semantic Segmentation for Real-World Surrounding Perception”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Paris, France, June 2019. [PDF] [Video]


  • Miguel Tradacete, Álvaro Sáez, Juan F. Arango, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, P. Revenga, Rafael Barea, Elena López-Guillén, Luis M. Bergasa, “Positioning system for an electric autonomous vehicle based on the fusion of Multi-GNSS RTK and Odometry by using an Extented Kalman Filter”, in International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF), Madrid, Spain, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Luis M. Bergasa and Elena López-Guillén, “Change Detection Tool Based on GSV to Help DNNs Training”, in International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF), Madrid, Spain, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Esther Murciego, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Rafael Barea, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Juan F. Arango, Miguel Tradacete, and Álvaro Sáez, “Topological road mapping for autonomous driving applications”, in International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF), Madrid, Spain, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Edwin Enríquez, Nelly Gordillo, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, “Convolutional Neural Networks vs Traditional Methods applied to off-line Recognition of Handwritten Digits”, in International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF), Madrid, Spain, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Javier del Egido, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Carlos Gómez-Huélamo, Javier Araluce, Rafael Barea, “Self-Driving a Car in simulation through a CNN”, in International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF), Madrid, Spain, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Kailun Yang, Ruiqi Cheng, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Kaiwei Wang and Ningbo Long, “Intersection perception through real-time semantic segmentation to assist navigation of visually impaired pedestrians”, in International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2018. [PDF].
  • Kailun Yang, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Juan Wang, Kaiwei Wang, Elena López-Guillén, “Perception framework of water hazards beyond traversability for real-world navigation assistance systems”, in International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2018. [PDF].
  • Kailun Yang, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Xiao Huang and Kaiwei Wang, “Predicting polarization beyond semantics for wearable robotics”, in International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), Beijing, China, November 2018. [PDF].
  • Rafael Barea, Carlos Pérez de Rivas, Luis M. Bergasa, Elena López-Guillén, Eduardo Romera, Eduardo Molinos, Manuel Ocaña, Joaquín López, “Vehicle Detection and Localization using 3D LIDAR Point Cloud and Image Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 2018. [PDF] [Video].
  • Kailun Yang, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Dongming Sun, Kaiwei Wang and Rafael Barea, “Semantic perception of curbs beyond traversability for real-world navigation assistance systems”, in IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), Madrid, Spain, September 2018. [PDF].
  • Álvaro Sáez, Luis M. Bergasa, Eduardo Romera, Elena López-Guillén, Rafael Barea, “CNN-based Fisheye Image Real-Time Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Changshu, Suzhou, China, June 2018. [PDF] [Video]
  • Eduardo Romera, Luis M. Bergasa, José M. Álvarez and Mohan Trivedi, “Train Here, Deploy There: Robust Segmentation in Unseen Domains”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Changshu, Suzhou, China, June 2018. [PDF] [Video]
  • Yang, L.M. Bergasa, E. Romera, R. Cheng, T. Chen and K. Wang, “Unifying terrain awareness through real-time semantic segmentation”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Changshu, Suzhou, China, June 2018. [PDF] [VideoMain publication in GSM (2015-2019).
  • M. Bergasa, R. Sanz, J. López, E. Paz, C. Otero, P. Sánchez, R. Barea, E. López-Guillén, P. Revenga, E. Molinos, E. Romera, “Desarrollo de un vehículo eléctrico autónomo de código abierto para personas mayores”, in Actas de las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2018, Valladolid, Spain, June 2018. [PDF]
  • Yang, K. Wang, S. Lin, J. Bai, L.M. Bergasa, R. Arroyo, “Long-range Traversability Awareness and Low-lying Obstacle Negotiation with RealSense for the Visually Impaired”, in 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Image Processing (ICFIP), Barcelona (Spain), March 2018. [PDF]. Best Paper Award at the ICFIP2018.


  • Zhou, R. Arroyo, A. Zyner, J. Ward, S. Worrall, E. Nebot, L.M. Bergasa, “Transferring Visual Knowledge based on Deep Learning for a Robust Road Environment Perception in Intelligent Vehicles”, in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Yokohama (Japan), October 2017. [PDF]
  • Romera, J.Mª. Álvarez, L.M. Bergasa, R. Arroyo, “Efficient ConvNet for Real-time Semantic Segmentation”, in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), California (USA), June 2017. [PDF]. Best Student Paper Award at the IV2017Main publication in GSM (2015-2019).


  • Arroyo, L. M. Bergasa, E. Romera, “OpenABLE: An Open-source Toolbox for Autonomous Vehicles Life-Long Visual Localization”, in 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil), November 2016. [PDF]
  • Arroyo, L. M. Bergasa, E. Romera“Adaptive Fuzzy Classifier to detect Driving Events from the Inertial Sensors of a Smartphone”, in 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil), November 2016. [PDF]
  • Romera, L. M. Bergasa, R. Arroyo, A. Lázaro“Need Data for Driver Behaviour Analysis? Presenting the public UAH-DriveSet”, in 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rio de Janeiro, (Brazil), November 2016. [PDFMain publication in GSM (2015-2019).

  • Arroyo, P. F. Alcantarilla, L.M. Bergasa, E. Romera, “Fusion and Binarization of CNN Features for Robust Topological Localization across Seasons”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, (Korea), October 2016. [PDF]

  • García, E. López, R. Barea, L. M. Bergasa, A. Gómez, E.J. Molinos, “Indoor SLAM for Micro Aerial Vehicles Control using Monocular Camera and Sensor Fusion”, in IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), pp.97-105, Braganca, (Portugal), July 2016. [PDF]

  • Romera, L. M. Bergasa and R. Arroyo "Can we unify monocular detectors for autonomous driving by using the pixel-wise semantic segmentation of CNNs?", in Workshops of IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV-W), Gothenburg (Sweden), June 2016. [PDF]
  • Lázaro, J. Moriano, L.M. Bergasa, R. Barea, E. López, " Grabbing Objects though a Robotic Arm and Hand in a Safety Way", in Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics (RoboCity16), pp. 357-364, Madrid (Spain), May 2016. [PDF]
  • Lázaro, R. Barea, L.M. Bergasa, E. López, "UGV Navigation in ROS using LIDAR 3D", in Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics (RoboCity16), pp. 301-308, Madrid (Spain), May 2016. [PDF]
  • Lázaro, J. Moriano, L.M. Bergasa, R. Barea, E. López, "3D Object Recognition and Pose Estimation using VFH Descriptors", in Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics (RoboCity16), pp. 113-120, Madrid (Spain), May 2016. [PDF]
  • Caramazana, R. Arroyo and L. M. Bergasa, "Visual Odometry Correction based on Loop Closure Detection", in Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics (RoboCity16), pp. 97-104, Madrid (Spain), May 2016. [PDF]


  • Nemra, L.M. Bergasa, E. López, R. Barea, A. Gómez, A. Santos, “Robust Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for MAV using Smooth Variable Structure Filter”, Second Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT). Lisbon, Portugal (2015). [PDF]
  • López, R. Barea, A. Gómez, A. Santos, L.M. Bergasa, K. Nemra, “Indoor SLAM for Micro Aerial Vehicles using Visual and Laser Sensor Fusion”, Second Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT). Lisbon, Portugal (2015). [PDF]
  • Romera, L. M. Bergasa, R. Arroyo “A Real-time Multi-scale Vehicle Detection and Tracking Approach for Smartphones”, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (2015). [PDF]

  • Passani, J. Javier Yebes, L.M. Bergasa, Fast pixelwise road inference based on Uniformly Reweighted Belief Propagation, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Seoul, Korea (2015). [PDF[Video]Best Student Paper Award at the IV2015
  • Arroyo, P.F. Alcantarilla, L.M. Bergasa, “Towards Life-Long Visual Localization using an Efficient Matching of Binary Sequences from Images”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Seattle, Washington, USA (2015). [PDF]


  • Passani, José J. Yebes, L. M. Bergasa, “CRF-based semantic labeling in miniaturized road scenes”, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Qingdao, China (2014). [PDF]

  • Arroyo, P.F. Alcantarilla, L.M. Bergasa, J. J. Yebes, S. Bronte, E. Molinos, “Fast and Effective Visual Place Recognition using Binary Codes and Disparity Information”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Chicago. Illinois. USA (2014). [PDF]

  • Bronte, M. Paladini, L. M. Bergasa, L. Agapito, R. Arroyo, “Real-Time Sequential Model-based Non-rigid SFM”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Chicago. Illinois. USA (2014). [PDF]


  • Javier Yebes, Luis M. Bergasa, Roberto Arroyo, Alberto Lázaro, Supervised learning and evaluation of KITTI’s cars detector with DPM, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Dearborn, Michigan, USA (2014). [PDF]


  • Roberto Arroyo, Pablo F. Alcantarilla, Luis M. Bergasa, J. Javier Yebes, Sergio Gámez, Bidirectional Loop Closure Detection on Panoramas for Visual Navigation, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Dearborn, Michigan, USA (2014). [PDF]


  • Garcia, M. Ocaña, L.M. Bergasa, M. Ferre, M. Abderrahim, J.C. Arevalo, D. Sanz-Merodio, E. Molinos, N. Hernandez, A. Llamazares, F. Suarez, and S. Rodriguez, Competing in the DARPA Virtual Robotics Challenge as the SARBOT Team, First Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), Madrid, Spain. (2013) [PDF
  • J. Molinos, A. Llamazares, N. Hernández, R. Arroyo, A. Cela, M. Ocaña, L. M. Bergasa, Perception and Navigation in unknown environment: The Darpa Robotics Challenge, First Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), Madrid, Spain. (2013) [PDF
  • Á. Cela, L.M. Bergasa, F. Sánchez, M. Herrera, D. Al-Dabass, Lanes Detection Based on Unsupervised and Adaptive Classifier, Fifth Intern. Confer. on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN), Madrid, Spain (2013). [PDF
  • González, L.M. Bergasa, J. Almazán, Traffic Panels Detection Using Visual Appearance, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gold Coast, Australia (2013). [PDF
  • Almazán, L.M. Bergasa, J. Yebes, R. Barea, R. Arroyo, Full auto-calibration of a smartphone on board a vehicle using IMU and GPS embedded sensors, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Gold Coast, Australia (2013). [PDF]


  • González, L.M. Bergasa, J. J. Yebes, S. Bronte, A Character Recognition Method in Natural Scene Images, 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba. Japan (2012). [PDF]
  • González, L.M. Bergasa, J. J. Yebes, S. Bronte, Text Location in Complex Images, 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba. Japan (2012). [PDF
  • González, L.M. Bergasa, J. Yebes Torres, J. Almazán, Text recognition on Traffic Panels from Street-level Imagery, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2012). [PDF
  • García, S. Bronte, L. M. Bergasa, J. Almazán, J. Yebes, Vision-based drowsiness detector for Real Driving Conditions, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2012). [PDF
  • Yebes, P. F. Alcantarilla, L. M. Bergasa, A. González, J. Almazán, Surrounding view for enhancing safety on vehicles, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshop (IV-WS), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2012). [PDF
  • Rodríguez, L.M. Bergasa, P.F. Alcantarilla, J. Yebes, A. Cela, Obstacle Avoidance System for Assisting Visually Impaired People, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshop (IV-WS), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2012). [PDF
  • Cela, L.M. Bergasa, R. Barea, E. López, A. Rodríguez, Tele Operation of a Humanoid Robot using Fuzzy Control and Kalman Filter, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Workshop (IV-WS), Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2012).[PDF
  • F. Alcantarilla, J. J. Yebes, J. Almazán, L. M. Bergasa, On Combining Visual SLAM and Dense Scene Flow for the Visually Impaired, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, Minnesota, USA (2012). [PDF