Development of a Navigation System for a Robotic Shop Guide
- Ocaña, Manuel; Llamazares, Ángel; Molinos, Eduardo; Hernández, Noelia; Herranz, Fernando; Revenga, Pedro; López, Elena
- Year: 2014
- Type of Publication: In Proceedings
- Keywords: Autonomous navigation; dynamic environment; obstacle avoidance systems
- Editor: Universidad de León
- Book title: XV Workshop of Physical Agents
- Pages: 169-177
- Month: June
- ISBN: 978-9773-681-7
- Abstract:
- This work introduces the development of a navigation system for a robotic guide. This robot is employed to guide people inside shops, malls or even museums, showing the most relevant things of them. Although the design of robotic guide systems is a well known problem, the deployment in a real, dynamic and likely crowded environment is challenging. This paper introduces our robotic platform and the software structure to carry out a safe navigation inside crowded and dynamic environments.
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